Zillmere (4034)
Situated 14 km north of Brisbane, Zillmere (4034) was originally called Zillman’s Waterholes after Johann Zillman, a Lutheran missionary stationed in Nundah. In the early 1800s the area specialised in small crop farms and piggeries. There were also a couple of chapels, a pottery and a brickworks. With the introduction of rail in 1888, the land was subdivided and sold and a slaughter/curing house was built in 1898. In the 1950s land was reclaimed for housing commission estates and migrant resettlement centres for post-war European refugees until they were destroyed by fire.
Today Zillmere is a mix of residential and industrial estate. There is a busy shopping strip adjacent the railway station, several schools, churches representing a broad spectrum of religious denominations, council and health facilities, as well as a number of football clubs. Zillmere also celebrates annually with a Multicultural Festival.
In 2011, 8100 people lived in Zillmere, their average age is 34 years, with about 75% born in Australia, New Zealand or England. Zillmere is increasingly a young family oriented, a multicultural suburb with migrants from India, Philippines etc where Punjabi and Samoan are spoken as well as English at home.