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Handovers (Final New Building Handover Inspections)

Building Handover Inspections

ABIS Building Handover Inspection and Stage Inspection Program

If you are having a new home built, it will reach the stage you have been waiting for and you can finallly take possession of and move into your new home. As your builder reaches the end of the construction, the final payment will be requested and the builder will handover the property to you. A good builder at the end of the construction process will have gone over the home fixing up any little things that have been overlooked and undertaking a final clean of the home. So for your peace of mind what you need to know prior to making the final payment is:

  1. has the home actually been completed

  2. are there any “finishing off” issues that the builder should be addressing

  3. have any significant problems developed during the construction process that the builder must fix

​The Practical Completion Inspection or Handover Inspection answers these questions on your behalf

If you are looking for a new Building Handover Inspection and Report also known as a “Practical Completion Inspection“, in Brisbane, ABIS is here to support you!

We will be there throughout your entire house building process, not just to inspect and list off the small decorative defects at the end. At each step along the way, our Qualified Building Inspector is there to assess the quality of work undertaken.

You can tailor the programme to suit yourself, select all 6 stages of building inspections or simply choose the ones you’re most worried about! Or just the Building Handover Inspection.

The Programme Consists of 4 Separate Stage Inspections:

  • Base Stage – immediately before slab pour.
  • Frame Stage – when the frame is complete but before internal wall linings.
  • Lock-Up Stage – when external windows and doors are installed and the roof is on.
  • Pre-Painting Stage – when construction is complete including cabinetry, but before painting.

Finishing with:

  • Handovers – a detailed building handover inspection will be conducted once the builder is satisfied that the construction process is practically complete and after a final clean has been undertaken.

Followed by:

  • Building Warranty Inspection – conducted within 12 months as a follow-up second Building Handover Inspection to detect defects, which your builder is obliged to rectify within QBCC’s 12 month warranty period. *Note that the 6 year warranty period applies only to structural defects.

View a Sample Handover Inspection Report


Arrange My Building Handover Inspection


Benefits from our Handover Inspections:

You benefit by having an independent assessment of the quality of work so you can make your final payment with confidence.

Your builder benefits from having the opportunity to correct any defects sooner rather than later which can be costly.

Why do you need a structural building inspection?

Builders are increasingly challenged to deliver quality construction with rising building costs in a competitive new home market. Even respected builders can have variations in quality. Most builders are concerned that errors and poor workmanship with the cost of associated re-work may destroy their reputation.

Why do you need a timber and pest inspection?

Even if you have just had new termite barriers installed, you would still need a timber and pest inspection. It is common for the termite barrier, which is installed early in the construction process, to be damaged or compromised during the build.

Typical problems encountered are physical damage to the barrier, relocation of incorrectly positioned slab penetrations such as waste pipes, landscaping and paving built up above the weep holes or rendering over inspection zones. When selecting a builder: 

  • Don’t just rely on the display homes, get referrals. Talk to others about their experience with the builder and if possible, visit their home to see examples of the builder’s work firsthand.
  • Ensure the builder is fully licensed to build in your state and carries the necessary insurance to protect you.
  • Have a solicitor help you negotiate the contract and most importantly, ensure you and the builder clearly agree on what is to be built. Ensure that construction time frames, both best and worst case scenario are acceptable to you.
  • If you feel there may be a personality clash between you and your builder, agree to use an impartial third party to act as liaison to handle all negotiations.
  • Have ABIS conduct stage inspections, a building handover inspection and a follow-up inspection within 12 months for warranty items and within 6 years for structural problems.

Review our handover inspection checklist



Here are some useful government information sheets:

The Building Process

We’re About To Build

Established 30 years, ABIS Building and pest inspectors cover the whole of Southeast Queensland. Our close knit team focused on helping you buy or sell your home.

ABIS inspectors are all long term highly qualified and experienced employees.

Service Areas

Area Map The Peninsula Moreton Bay Area East Brisbane Redland Bay Area Gold Coast Ipswich Brisbane West Brisbane Northside Brisbane Southside Logan City

ABIS The 1st Choice in Building & Pest Inspections