Clayfield (4011)
On the Northside, only 7 km from Brisbane city centre, Clayfield (4011) was named for the fine clay mined in Albion and used in its local brickworks which attracted settlers looking for employment to the area. Originally served by trams until 1969, Clayfield now has regular rail, bus and motorway access to Brisbane and surrounding suburbs.
Clayfield is known for its poinciana tree lined streets as well as being home to several prestigious private colleges, with 9 other schools servicing the area as well. Clayfield also has a large number of heritage listed sites and churches across the various denominations.
In 2011, 10,000 people lived in Clayfield, their average age being 34 years. Of these, most were Anglo-Australian with the exception of those born in India. English was spoken at home with Indian and Mandarin as second languages.