When our Inspectors find active termites they endeavour to identify the species of termite as differing species behave differently. They also endeavour to source the entry points to the house and document the extent and severity of damage to the property without...
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Inspection FAQs
What Happens When a Pest Inspector Can’t Get Under the House?
In compliance with Australian Standards and best practice, our reports will clearly spell out which areas of a house were not visible because they were either not accessible, or partially or completely obstructed and for what reason, so you can choose to make further...
What Sort of Things Can Fail a Pest and Building Inspection?
This is probably the one area in life for which there is no "pass" or "fail". A professional Pest and Building Inspection is an examination of the property's current condition, conducted according to Australian Standards. It is not an appraisal, which determines...
What Else Should You Be Aware of When Buying a Property?
There are many things to consider when buying a property. For example, how busy is the road, the type of neighbourhood, proximity to schools, hospitals, shopping, community facilities, and public transport to name a few. You also need to consider what is...
Why Do I Need a Warranty Inspection?
When you have a new home built or when you buy a new home from a builder or developer, the warranty against major structural defects applies for 6 years. However, for less significant non-structural defects the builder is only responsible for rectifying issues for 12...
What Happens During the Handover Inspection?
During the Handover Inspection we conduct a very comprehensive inspection detailing any untradesmanlike work, inappropriate materials, incomplete work, omissions, non-structural defects, and structural issues. We also complete a Timber Pest Inspection on your new...
Do I Need a Building and Pest Inspection If I Buy Off the Plan?
When buying off a plan it is always wise to make your contract conditional upon a Building and Pest Inspection by an independent licensed professional. Being a newly constructed property, we conduct a Handover Inspection to ensure that the Builder has completed all...
Which Stage of Construction Should We Use a Building Inspector?
This is a commonly asked question. We recommend getting an inspection at each Stage of your home's construction. These are broken up into 6 Stages in total consisting of 4 Building Stage Inspections culminating in Handover at Practical Completion and followed up...
Can I Be Present at the Inspection
You are always welcome to be at the inspection.However, experience has taught us that the best way to communicate with our clients is after they have read their written report. This makes sure that all the relevant information is communicated to you fully before you...
Is the Roof Space Inspected?
We at ABIS inspect as much of the roof space or void as we safely can. We are of course guided by Workplace Health & Safety laws and good practice and consequently there will therefore be a number of situations when your inspector will not be ably to safely get into the roof space.