Building Inspectors are typically builders who have given up construction to start inspecting homes. The issue is that being a qualified builder does not necessarily make a good building inspector.
There are essential skills and experience required for Building Inspection that are not required for construction work.
For example:
Not only is a good knowledge of current building materials, standards and practices required but in-depth knowledge of the building practices and materials used in the past.
An inspector is not only required to follow a detailed process to ensure nothing is missed on the first inspection, but to be able to do this day in and day out for thousands of inspections without a drop in standards.
The inspector must have a knowledge of the materials and practices of the past that are now likely to be associated with problems.
An inspector must be able to communicate well with clients. It is important that the client understands any problems identified during the inspection.
An Inspector must be able to focus on the inspection n and not be distracted by interruptions form others.
These are just a few of the many skills required and none of them can be acquired quickly. Experience of both the inspector and the company they are part of is very important when picking a Building Inspector.